The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is studying when and how to use symbols in the future on foods that claim to be “healthy” on food packaging. The symbol would be a stylized representation of the nutrient content claim.


FDA Proposes Consumer Research on ‘Healthy’ Symbol for Packaged Food

Updating the definition and creating a symbol for the “healthy” nutrient content claim is part of FDA’s Nutrition Innovation Strategy (NIS). The goal of the NIS is to reduce the burden of nutrition-related chronic diseases, which are suffered at a disproportionately higher rate by communities of color.


Label in Packaged Food

The Role of Nutrition Labels

One element of the NIS is the modernization of claims, which serve as quick signals to consumers about the benefits a food or beverage of their choice may have. Claims and symbols can also help consumers better understand nutrition information and can encourage companies to reformulate products to improve their nutritional value.


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