
HACCP Training Course

The training program for the industries of products containing fish, seafood or fish products (Fish and Seafood HACCP) is a course designed for companies to comply with the necessary training required by the FDA in the U.S.A.  in relation to the processing, handling, handling, production, packaging and storage of products such as seafood, fish or fishery products.

In Demos Global Group we have the most qualified professionals in the field of training and certification for companies and professionals of the sector that need to

be authorized through this course. Dr. Tania A. Martinez, Vice-President of Demos Global Group is a ToT (Trainer of Trainers) for Human Food, for the Fish and Seafood Alliance, a Produce Safety Lead Trainer, Lead Instructor for the Food Supplier Verification Program, Lead Instructor for Animal Food, Sprouts, a TTT for the HACCP International Alliance, TTT for Sanitation Operations,  a Better Process Control School and a Qualified Auditor under FSMA, which ensures the best training and knowledge for the certification required in this sector.

The National Seafood HACCP Alliance, is the authority responsible for the development of this program and certification.  It is a group formed by federal and state agencies of the U.S.A. responsible for carrying out continuous safety inspections of fisheries and aquaculture products. The new regulations developed in the export sector of products to the U.S.A. requires certification in these programs that allow compliance with the requirements of the training established under the seafood HACCP Regulation marked by the FDA.

An adequate compliance with the rules set by the FDA, the export activities of fish, seafood and fishery products must be developed by an individual trained and with the proper certification able to apply HACCP principles in relation to the processing of aquaculture products.

The main advantage of the development of this course is the recognition on the part of the FDA of the HACCP program as the standardized curriculum which evaluates the training courses to determine whether or not they comply with the requirements of this regulation.

Other benefits and advantages of the certification obtained with the HACCP course are:

  • Develop a HACCP plan, which is appropriate for a specific processor, which meets the requirements established by the FDA.
  • Reassess and modify the HACCP plan in accordance with the procedures of corrective action and hazard analysis in accordance with the verification activities
  • Perform the log review required by this regulatory body for food security in USA.

The recipients of the HACCP Course for food security of fish products in general are very varied, although all of them are related to the fishery and aquaculture sector.  The program for the HACCP certificate is primarily directed to:

  • Managers and heads of production, analysts, supervisors and technical quality assurance of fishery and aquaculture producers.
  • Staff wishing to obtain the necessary knowledge and its interpretation to the development and sustenance of a HACCP plan, according to the guidelines of the Seafood HACCP Alliance.
  • All persons involved directly or indirectly in the handling, processing, packaging, storage, transport and distribution of fishery and aquaculture products intended for the U.S.A.
  • Business Professionals with Food Safety Plans with risk approach who wish to re-evaluate the HACCP plans and other food safety management systems.
  • Auditors, consultants, trainers, in the area safety and quality of fishery and aquaculture products.


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