
PSR Course

Demos also trains, in compliance with the regulations of the FDA for export to the U.S.A., the PSR training course for the food industry, fresh produce. This program, aimed at producers of fruits, vegetables and fresh products in general, is responsible to ensure maximum safety of these foods, as well as the fulfillment of the  new FSMA law for food security and the safety of this food group.

Demos also trains, in compliance with the regulations of the FDA for export to the U.S.A., the PSR training course for the food industry, fresh produce. This program, aimed at producers of fruits, vegetables and fresh products in general, is responsible to ensure maximum safety of these foods, as well as the fulfillment of the  new FSMA law for food security and the safety of this food group.

The PSR training course is intended to satisfy the regulations issued by FSMA, in ensuring food security for the products that are imported to the U.S.A., it is required that there are  in the companies of this industry at least a supervisor or manager certified, approved and recognized by the FDA.

This program is responsible to cover a large part of the regulations developed by the new FSMA laws to ensure the safety of this food group in all the import operations into the U.S.A. The course, taught by professionals of Demos Global Group,  allows compliance with the rules related to all the activities developed by the producers of fresh and chilled produce in their facilities or farms.

Among the main advantages of the development and certification of this program for the safety of fresh produce (PSR) that help to comply with the regulations issued by the FDA include:

  • Understanding and development of a Food Safety Plan for facilities or farms of this type of product.
  • Requirements of the regulation of the new FSMA law for fruits, vegetables and other fresh products and how to meet them.
  • Know how to identify potential risks as well as the development of possible practices that help to correct them.

The certificate for industries of fresh produce sets minimum standards for the production and safe collection of fruits and vegetables to ensure maximum security to all consumers of this type of product. The regulation of the course is responsible for certifying the following standards:

  • Agricultural Water, both for Production and Subsequent Uses.
  • Health and Hygiene of Workers.
  • Agricultural Soil Improver of Animal Origin.
  • Equipment, Tools, Buildings and Sanitation.
  • Domesticated and Wild Animals.
  • All those Activities Related to the Cultivation, Harvesting, Packaging And Storage.
  • Requirements for Sprouts.

With regard to the recipients, the PSA Course of Safety for producers of fruits, vegetables and fresh products is intended largely for producers or owners of farms of this type of foods, administrators of farms of fruit and vegetables as well as other stakeholders in compliance with the rules of the new FSMA law  in relation to Produce Safety Rule.


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